Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The project set materials research and development

The project set materials research and development, technology innovation, product development, brand incubation, international trade, logistics and distribution, business services, training, information dissemination in the body, application of new materials for the global footwear industry, new technology, new product releases, new technology full-service training through the establishment of World Shoe Center Jian Hua Group, the development process that, as long as the use of positive, positive, sunny attitude to face the difficulties that can be prepared through the transformation and upgrading labor-intensive industries will be essential to strong economic growth in China engine Louis Vuitton Handbags mbt shoes.

lighting and light color on the shoes of the display is very important. It can be enhanced with the shoes themselves with popular themes and coordination. The correct shade lighting will change the window will become a unified whole, prioritize, attractive, generally the center of the window is to make produce a unified whole, prioritize and attractive. Generally the main window of the squat position is to make as the area generated some attention. Not so divided, scattered through the level and size of the configuration of accessories to enhance the overall effect. Background may play a role, but mainly contrast and rendering, but not overwhelming and the viewer's attention to leave to sell the goods.

Monday, August 30, 2010

another edition in Shanghai A few years ago

another edition in Shanghai. A few years ago a female cousin notified police of her shopping in the Shanghai set missing for no reason, but turned and lost, until five years after the cousin of a friend and saw that the street beggars in Bangkok, Thailand. XXXXX is that she somehow did the hands and feet, body are chains tied to lamp post next to the.This is a play on the couple go to Hong Kong when the story. a couple unwittingly into the worst areas of law and order in Hong Kong, a boutique shop , the wife of the store's clothing style is like, then enter the fitting room to try on clothes. But, sir first class and waited outside, but could not see his wife out. Because it is so long, so go open the door to find her Mr., but dressing room already empty.

he surprised his wife, to the clerk asked where to go, and yet it seems to be collusion staff are good the same as saying do not see, and insisted his wife did not like such people came to the shop . So he had to ask local police to help search for this boutique, but to no avail. Then he looked for another person for some time, until his visa expired. last resort he could not find his wife in the case of a return . After a year h after the company invited him to a long vacation, once again returned to Hong Kong to find his wife. He took photos of his wife traveled the streets of Hong Kong, but this is still not a clue. last holiday coming to an end, he started to consider the mental and physical fatigue to return home, one day after an accident, hut rare. hut the billboard reads:He was not interested in exotic things, but his days of fatigue that he wanted a change of mood, with billboards that read . but he should not go in!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This series of books taken from the family doctor dress

This series of books taken from the family doctor dress, stockings and a pair of delicate high-heeled shoes. working for six months, she found his toes, especially the inside of the big toe, often have red, swelling, pain and other phenomena, but as long as the take off the high heels, or replaced with flat heels, the pain can be relieved. Thus, her work time and more serious, and sometimes even pain to awake, and toes began to deformation, and finally, the big toe right foot near the toes actually went to the top! So she had to seek medical help.such as Joe Ms. situation not uncommon in adult women aged over 40 is more common in women. The reason, apart from some people (about 30%) have a family genetic predisposition, most are acquired form, and with youth, wearing pointed high-heeled shoes middle age is closely related to the habit. research findings that 18 centuries ago, French shoes with flat soles plus the main dorsal cingulate was little hallux valgus Case report. Since the advent of high-heeled shoes, hallux valgus in France has become a lot see; the Japanese in the past used to wear clogs, no documented cases of hallux valgus, life after 60s of last century westernized, hallux valgus incidence rate was proportionately increased. In China, the good people in town wearing high heels of incidence is not wearing pointed high-heeled shoes of the farmer's 100 times.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

but what is the Gladiator sandals

lightheadedness we have avoid re-feet head light also seems to be inevitable. but what is the Gladiator sandals? as defined in very clear, and some sandals Gladiator sandals in just before the birth of ordinary sandals, It appears again this year, it seems they become Gladiator sandals, a distant relative. Gladiator sandals represent the strength of feeling and sexy women, captured the hearts of numerous prostrate woman.Christian Louboutin but the more personalized the more difficult with high heels, just like the more men will be more difficult personalities tame a reason. According to the design of Gladiator sandals, a section of the belt covering a large area of the foot skin, and even the skin of the ankle. P90X This shoe will be under the principle of making visually shorten the leg line, so If you buy Gladiator Sandals, as far as possible to buy cross-belt, not striped belt.Christian Louboutin I personally do not like the gladiator flat sandals, because it will certainly become shorter legs, but some wear looks good, hee hee . vary it.